Tuesday, May 11, 2010

8 Reasons He Cheats

Sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough with someone else. But what really makes men stray? A bride upset? bad sex? An escape from loneliness? Yes, yes and yes. Hear why these men slipped out of their girlfriends and landed in bed with another person. So - if you're a boy or a girl - to use the information below to avoid this kind of situation in your love life.

Reason # 1: depreciation
"Once cheated on my girlfriend after seeing on your cell phone that had been text messaging with your ex. Messages were harmless enough, but it angered me that he had been communicating with him in the first place - he had always thought they were a little too friendly. That night, I was with my friends and had a lot to drink. I have so worked up about the messages that I almost became my mission to find another girl and connect to it, which I did. I think it was a recovery thing. eventually separated, but not for that incident - I never said - but more so because not only each other. I know that was no better way to handle my anger, yet, I really felt good. "
- Christopher, 29, Oakland, CA

Reason # 2: The physical attraction just is not there
"Since I have memory, I've always been attracted to women with large breasts. My ex-girlfriend was great in many ways, but it was completely flat chest, which did absolutely nothing for me sexually attracted to her. I tried to look beyond it, but it was difficult. About two months of our relationship, I had gone with a group of friends at a sports bar, and the hot waitress and a broad chest was really hitting on me. She gave me her number and asked if she wanted me to meet him after his shift was over. I agreed and ended up sleeping with her. It was a night of a thing, but it helped me realize that I needed to stop things with my girlfriend, because she had to be with someone who was attracted to madness. "
- Dave, 26, Roanoke, VA

Reason # 3: She's not there
'I cheated on my ex at a time when she was traveling so much that I never saw it. It was almost as if I have no girlfriend. I was so lonely - especially on weekend nights, and missed the company, both physically and emotionally. When he left, I began to see another person while I was still technically see my ex. I ended up telling my ex and she dumped me. In the end, I think things ended up the best, despite of the steps you took to make this happen were not very honorable. now ensure that I choose who to date do not have a job that requires much travel time. "
Reason # 4: He believes he is losing
"I was out with Melanie all the university since we met at orientation. After graduation, I moved to New York and moved to Chicago but we decided to stay together. I spent almost every weekend trip to see her, but during week, I would go out with my friends in New York and have a blast. After several months of that year, I knew I remain faithful to her was going to be hard, leaving the city made me realize how smart, beautiful women are out there, and have never been with anyone other than Melanie made me feel like I was losing a lot of fun. One night I hooked up with another girl, who finally made me realize I had to finish things with Melanie. Le I said what happened, and as it turned out, had done the same thing several times. Though wounded, we realized that we had to have some free time. We were friends, and still today, even if We are married to different people. "
- Tom, 35, New York, NY

Reason # 5: It is emotionally spent
"I first met my ex at a Weight Watchers meeting, of all places. When we started dating, we were about 50 pounds overweight. As months passed, I took very seriously the program and quickly lose any weight. She joined the program, and its weight was not successful. Then I lost weight, I felt this new sense of confidence - women who had never spoken before began approaching me, and felt great. My ex, on the other hand I was depressed about being heavy, and always she was jealous of other women. One weekend when I was out of town, I met this beautiful woman at my gym and we slept together. I never told my ex, but ended up breaking her a couple of weeks after that incident. I've noticed since I have to be with women who are on the same page as me about things in my life that are important. "
- Brad Houston, 41,, TX

Reason # 6: There are too many fights
"My ex and I used to live together, and we fought all the time. The constant tension made me ill. In contrast to my ex, there was a girl at work that was relaxed, friendly and fun. One night the two were working late and ended up getting a glass together after our departure. One thing led to another and I ended up staying more at home. As bad as this may sound, after that happened, I felt free. was as if I finally had the value of simply end up with my ex now. When I returned home the next morning, my ex went crazy, but for once, does not bother me, because I knew what was going to do. I told him exactly what had happened and would be leaving that week, and I did. I began to see the girl from work, and have been together for about four months.
- Nate Boulder, 34, CO

Reason # 7: We need an injection of self-esteem
"I am very shy, and I've never felt very comfortable approaching women. I once had a girlfriend who was as shy as me. Our relationship was fine - nothing too exciting - but I was resigned to the fact that it was my best option. I went to a conference for business, and during a dinner, a very attractive and sexy woman at my table began to hit me like a madman. I was so surprised, this had never happened to me before. He boosts my confidence and I was on top of the world. She and I were together that night, and a few other times during the conference. I never told my ex for what had happened, but I did things end up with it a few months later. After the conference the other woman and I never did come back, but the experience gave me confidence that I could go out and interesting approach, exciting women - I just needed to push. "
- Charlie, 33, of St. Louis, MO

Reason # 8: To fulfill a fantasy
"Once cheated on my girlfriend of six months when a girl who had been longing for well over time came to me. She had been with someone for a long time, so I knew I was out of bounds. I have to admit, I still probably do it again, it was like my fantasy finally came true. I broke up with my girlfriend and I dated this girl for a while, but did not last long. Sometimes fantasy is better than reality!

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